KM Exchange started as a one-day conference created and organised by members of MY KM Roundtable. It ran annually in 2018 and 2019. After a pause enforced by the COVID-19 pandemic, we decided to launch a week-long virtual conference in July 2021, in collaboration with our colleagues in ISKO Singapore.
Check out the 2021 edition here!
The KM Exchange conference is organised differently from presentation and paper-focused conferences. It is a not-for-profit conference organised by volunteers. Our goal is to maximise participant sharing, exploration and learning at the event. We use knowledge management facilitation techniques to bring in-depth explorations of innovative knowledge management practices and applications.
We include small group case study sharing sessions, peer assists, fishbowl discussions and lessons learnt around common KM challenges and issues. Every stage of the KM journey, from beginner to mature, is an opportunity for sharing and learning. Come prepared to participate actively, network, build your connections and share with KM colleagues in other organisations.
Check out the materials from our events here.
Check out the 2021 edition here!
The KM Exchange conference is organised differently from presentation and paper-focused conferences. It is a not-for-profit conference organised by volunteers. Our goal is to maximise participant sharing, exploration and learning at the event. We use knowledge management facilitation techniques to bring in-depth explorations of innovative knowledge management practices and applications.
We include small group case study sharing sessions, peer assists, fishbowl discussions and lessons learnt around common KM challenges and issues. Every stage of the KM journey, from beginner to mature, is an opportunity for sharing and learning. Come prepared to participate actively, network, build your connections and share with KM colleagues in other organisations.
Check out the materials from our events here.